Eucalyptus of Contige

Species: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globullus Labill)
Age: 144 years
Region: Contige, Sátão, Viseu

Eucalyptus of Contige

Described by the University of Aveiro as "the largest classified tree in Portugal", it is located on the old National Road (EN 229). Its planting dates back to 1878, when the Donárias road was opened. It may have belonged to the neighboring families Garcia de Mascarenhas, Rio de Moinhos and Xavier do Amaral Carvalho from the county, who married in the 19th century. The monumentality of the tree forced its care, so that the profile of the road gave it the bow it deserved.

Tree of the year 2023
10281 votes
5th place
Nominated by: Junta de Freguesia de Sátão
National contest organizer: UNAC – Union of the Mediterranian Forest