The Survivor Tree

Species: Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.)
Age: 70-100 years years
Region: 9LH, A708, Moffat, Scotland, UK

Where one tree survives, a million trees will grow!

Borders Forest Trust based its slogan: “Where one tree survives, a million trees will grow,” on a lone rowan clinging to a stream bank in Carrifran Valley. Today that survivor tree is lonely no more! It is surrounded by a little forest of its children and In addition to its own children, the rowan tree now has over half a million other native Scottish trees for company. The rowan tree no longer stands alone and is a symbol of the 20-year journey to revive the wild heart of Southern Scotland.
Tree of the year 2021
31197 votes
11th place
Nominated by: Fiona from Borders Forest Trust
National contest organizer: Woodland Trust