The lime tree at Lipka

Species: Small-leaved Lime (Tilia cordata)
Age: 800 years years
Region: Lipka at Horní Bradlo, Pardubice region, The Czech republic

Lime Tree - Love that Lasts a Lifetime

The memorable tree grows by a road connecting the manor in Lipka and a former cemetery, now changed to a tomb of the original manor owners - the Kustoš family. The first manor was built in the 13th Century and the lime tree - now 800 years old - welcomed many people of Lipka to the world and saw them on their last journey as well. It is interesting that it has never been struck by a lightning. It is said that Jan Žižka camped under its branches and Jan Amos Komenský stayed here for a short period of time as well. It is also said that a couple that make love under the lime tree will share an everlasting love which will overcome all difficulties in life.
Tree of the year 2017
14813 votes
3rd place
Nominated by:
National contest organizer: Nadace Partnerství